Where is the Challenge Workspace?

If you are looking for your Challenges Workspace, here are some ways to troubleshoot and ensure you gain access.

Questions to troubleshoot:

  • Did you make sure to register for the challenge and VIP with your CF 2.0 account email?
  • Have you logged out and back in to see the updates in your profile?

Here are the steps to access the Challenge Secrets Workspace:

  1. You need to be logged into your ClickFunnels account on your browser.
  2. Click the link that is provided when you sign up (check your e-mail, including spam/junk (Subject: "Congrats! You're A VIP For The Challenge Secrets Masterclass")
  3. Click the link for the framework -it will ask what workspace you want to add (if you have more than one)
  4. After it's been downloaded, go to the Funnels tab to find it.

Please let us know if these can help, if not, please reach out to the ClickFunnels support team here: support@clickfunnels.com

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